
Someplace to record the zillion and one things that need to be recorded

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

indifference i can take, even ignore; but ill-will wilts my spirit.
People don’t realise the value of sensitivity. It can be the difference between a successful or a failed interaction. At the very least it’s just a question of politeness. At the very most, it’s a question of politeness in the face of rudeness. The corresponding rewards are tremendous. It's suprising how much difference even small considerations to another person can make. And life is so much better when there is less spite all around.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

every breath i take is the mercy of God.

Friday, February 20, 2004

on the way to college today, i was eating cup o noodles as usual and gazing from my comfortable world into the passing streets outside. saw this small raggedy child standing on a pavement, close to her mother and delightedly clapping her hands with a most darling smile on her face. following her gaze i saw a mounted police constable smartly leading his horse on the sidewalk. that child's expression of pure joy even in her condition of abject poverty hit me. children are angels.
God bless them.

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